Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November Challenge: Day 10

I returned to work after yesterday's day off and while I'm not feeling 100% back to normal, I was grateful to be back. Today I am grateful for my job. I have a tendency to complain about work and the  annoyances that happen while I am there, but I am blessed to have a good job that provides me with a steady income. There are plenty of things I could complain about, although that is true with just about everything, but today I choose to see the blessings. 

I am blessed to have a job. Many people (locally, nationally, and globally) do not have a job. These people are sending out resumes, going on interviews, and praying they receive the position. A few years ago I was one of those people and I remember how important that position was to me. I am blessed to be working full time. A lot of people are struggling to get and maintain hours. I am blessed to receive benefits from my company. Yes, healthcare requirements have changed, but benefits are always nice. I am blessed to have flexibility in choosing my hours and requesting time off, which is wonderful since I have to take the rest of the week off to help my mom with her surgery. 

As with anything, and I mean anything, it is easy to find things to complain about and those complaints may even be justified, but finding the blessings is a much more rewarding challenge. I might have started this day ungrateful, but I am ending it feeling very blessed because I am blessed and you are blessed too. Today what are you thankful for?

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