Monday, November 9, 2015

November Challenge: Day 9

Today was another rainy day and yesterday's not feeling well turned into today's illness. I ended up having to stay home from work because I had a fever and just felt awful. This wasn't a choice I wanted to make since most of this week I'll be taking time off to help my mom during her surgery, but I ended up being grateful I did. It started to rain and I was instantly grateful that I was staying inside and not having to make the 30 minute commute. I was feeling pretty miserable today and unable to leave my bed for most of the day, but not really able to sleep either. I turned on my TV, put on a documentary, and started scrolling Pinterest. At times I would turn everything off and try to sleep again, but the reality is you can't sleep 24 hours even when you're sick. This evening I began to feel better, not 100%, but better than before and I settled into the evening to relax before I start another workday, hopefully making it beyond my house. 

It was then that I realized what I was grateful for today: technology. Technology was there to entertain a brain that was bored by a body's weakness. Technology was there to connect me to other people and to inspire me through their creations. Technology was there to help me catch up on work without having to leave my bed and still be able to meet a deadline when I was unable to make it to the office. Technology was there to inform me of a tornado warning this evening and even though it wasn't in my area, the thought is still the same. Technology is a wonderful creation. It enables us to connect with everyone and everything at any time. It provides us with alerts and information that is pertinent to our lives. Technology is also portable and all encompassing, allowing us with plenty of opportunities to do just about everything. Yes, technology has it's downfalls, but as Spider Man said, "with great power comes great responsibility." Technology is what you make of it, both good and bad.

Beyond technology, today I am grateful for a warm bed, hot beverages, and delicious soup. I am grateful for medicine and for company in the form of furry babies. I am also grateful for my free Fabletics water bottle that arrived today. I am grateful for rain and for snow in the area. Today, on a day that didn't go as planned, I am so much to be thankful for. What are you thankful for today?

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