Friday, November 27, 2015

November Challenge: Day 27

Today has become known as Black Friday or the day after Thanksgiving when millions flock to the stores in search of a good deal. Over the years Black Friday has merged into Thursday evening and threatens to take the place of a Thanksgiving gathering. In years past I have even spent Thursday night  at the stores searching for the best deals, but it was always after family time had ended. There is quite a bit that could be said about Black Friday shopping, both good and bad, but that isn't what this is about. This year, both because I was sick and because I was drained from the last few weeks, I opted out of shopping Thursday evening and I don't really feel I missed anything. I was able to sit in my pjs  and scroll through online deals at various stores. This year most of the in-store deals were also available online, which is a wonderful improvement to Black Friday. I am thankful for these deals.

Black Friday has gotten a bad reputation and I completely understand why, but it isn't all bad. For some, these deals are the only way they can afford to purchase the items. Items they either needed or wanted to purchase for Christmas. Christmas is much more than presents, but giving has become the outlet we have for expressing our love for one another. There have been years when I had a very small budget in which to get everyone gifts and the ingredients I needed for holiday baking. If it weren't for the deals I found on Black Friday I wouldn't have been able to finish my Christmas list. Then there are other years when some item I needed had broke, but I couldn't afford to replace it and then I would see it in an affordable price range at a store on Black Friday. This isn't every year, but it has happened and when it has Black Friday deals have been a wonderful blessing. 

Shopping isn't necessarily a bad thing, just like with anything else, and depends entirely on your intentions. The Bible says that we are to store our treasures up in heaven and not on earth where they can rot away. Material possessions are not going to last and ultimately these items stay on earth when our bodies have departed. That is just one of those facts of life. These items we purchase and store up on earth can also overwhelm us, causing unfortunate consequences. Our living spaces can become cluttered, resulting in added stress, but our minds can also become obsessed with these items until we become convinced that we need them. If we are not careful then our lives can begin to be controlled by material possessions. This is when shopping becomes bad. If we care more about material possessions then other people we have fallen short. If we are willing to sacrifice what shouldn't be sacrificed in order to get the latest product then we have fallen short. 

Deals are not evil and shopping isn't bad, but we can make it that way. Personally, I love to search around for the best deal and knowing I saved money makes me happy. Yet, I'm not going to stampede people to achieve that goal or pepper spray someone in the process. I am also not going to yell or demand my way when store employees are just trying to do their jobs. Getting the best deal has allowed me to do more for others and even allowed me the extra funds to shop for children that won't receive much, such as the children that are part of Angel Tree. These moments are moments that I treasure because I know they wouldn't have been possible without budgeting and finding deals. Shopping with other people in mind is a great way to keep your perspective in the flurry of good deals and pressure to buy more and more. 

What are you thankful for today?

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