Thursday, November 12, 2015

November Challenge: Day 12

Happy Thursday!
Boy am I exhausted! I had an early morning today because of my mom's surgery and spent the next 10.5 hours with her in the hospital. :-/ I haven't slept, have barely ate anything, have a horrible headache, and am about to crawl into bed, but I do so with a very grateful heart. My mom's surgery took longer than expected (~2 hours), but the surgery itself was a success. There were some minor complications, but the surgeon was able to adjust accordingly. Most of our time at the hospital was spent waiting in recovery (~6.5 hours), but the floor was empty and devoid of excess noise. Again there were some complications, but my mom's doctor was thorough in her visit and felt confident that my mom would recover normally at home. Recovery at home is a tremendous blessing because for awhile we thought she would have to be admitted to the hospital for the night, something that wasn't planned for. I am thankful for a successful surgery and a home recovery, but I am also thankful for the wonderful staff at the hospital.

All of the staff and volunteers at the hospital were kind and helpful. The doctor was very compassionate and genuinely cared about my mom's wellbeing. She could have allowed another physician to take over care of my mom after her surgery as she still had several other surgeries to do, but instead she continued to care for my mom throughout the day and made it a point to check on her.  My mom also had a wonderful nurse that was concerned with her modesty at a time when a lot of people just wouldn't have cared. He was very respectful and made sure my mom, as well as me, were comfortable at all times. He even brought me a tray of food and insisted I eat something because he knew I had been there all day with very little food to eat. This nurse also stayed 1.5 hours after his shift had ended to make sure that he saw my mom successfully discharged from the hospital. He put off time with his family for the wellbeing of mine. I am so very blessed to have encountered the staff I did because I know it could so very easily have gone the other way. 

My head still hurts, but I am home and get to rest in my own bed tonight. I am thankful for the success in surgery and the kindness of hospital employees.  What are you thankful for?

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