Sunday, November 8, 2015

November Challenge: Day 8

Happy Sunday! Today I am thankful for a day of rest. After a long work week and a day of running errands my energy is spent and I am tired. Our fast paced world and culture has made the idea of taking a day of rest taboo. This morning I woke up and wasn't feeling well, mainly just worn down, but I honestly felt guilty that I wasn't jumping out of bed ready to accomplish another to-do list. There are so many things that I have to get done and even more to do in the next few weeks, months, etc. that it can be very overwhelming. The truth is that even when we are overwhelmed by our to-do lists that it is ok to take a day of rest. Don't believe me? Genesis 2:3 says that "then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done." If God rested on the seventh day then how much more do we need to rest? 

Rest is important to our health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Rest allows us the opportunity to take care of our needs. It is important to balance our needs with the needs of others. If we spend too much time on others' needs then we become drained and are useless. If we spend too much time on our own needs then we prevent ourself from being used by God in the lives of the people around us. It is a delicate balance, but we need to strive to maintain it so that we can be of optimal use for the kingdom of God. Taking a day of rest is important. A few years ago I was working everyday, both at my office and at my church, and I was just drained. I didn't want to give up my work at the church, but I desperately needed a day of rest again. I ended up changing my work schedule so that I had Monday off, which gave me a day of rest again. Then my needs changed again and I worked within my schedule to ensure I kept my day of rest, this time on Sunday. In the Jewish faith the Sabbath is on Saturday, while in the Protestant faith the day of rest is on Sunday so there isn't a universally accepted day of rest. In a world that is constantly moving you might have to be creative with your schedule and find a day that works for you. 

Rest is important that is why God gave us a day to rest in our busy weeks. Today I am resting with a grateful heart that God gave me His day to just rest and take care of my needs. It is comforting to know that God has set aside this day for me and that I can take it without having to feel guilt. I a, thankful for Sunday and my day of rest. What are you thankful for today?

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