Friday, November 20, 2015

November Challenge: Day 20

Have you ever driven to a destination, a destination you always go to, only to find out the main road you need is closed? Then there is that moment when you don't know where to go, but you know you have to make a decision. Today was one of those days. I was in between appointments with clients, driving the same roads I always drive, and then I saw that orange diamond alerting me to a road closure. Thankfully I have GPS on my phone and I was able to have Siri help me figure it out. I know I already did a post on technology, but I decided that I needed to do a post for GPS. 

GPS is truly an amazing aspect of the modern world. I don't have to know how to get somewhere. I only have to know where I want to go. The creation of GPS has allowed humans to find places that they would have only dreamed of before, has saved countless relationships from fights, and has allowed us to experience a variety of locations without being stranded on a road unsure of where to go next. GPS has also allowed us to overcome life's roadblocks, saving us from stress as we try to figure it out, and allowing us to still reach our destinations on time. 

Knowing how to get to your destination is a wonderful thing. GPS is not the only item that tells us how to get to our destination. The Bible does too. If you know where you want to go for eternity, heaven or hell, then the Bible tells you exactly how to get there. The Bible is the GPS for our souls and just like the GPS I am thankful for the Bible, which has kept me on the path to my destination since I was first saved 20 years ago. Yes, there are times I have taken a wrong turn or life has thrown a roadblock in my way, but the Bible has always gotten me back on track. 

What are you thankful for today?

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