Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November Challenge: Day 25

Today I am grateful to have the next 4 days off from work. Last night I went to bed with a sore throat, but I figured I had just stressed my vocal cords singing to a client at work. Then this morning I woke up and my throat was now swollen too. I really wasn't feeling well, but I managed to get up and go to work. I was suppose to work 2 hours, but ended up working 4. I believe working these additional hours catapulted the effects of not feeling well. I came home to find out I not only had a swollen throat, but a high fever as well. This afternoon I was able to get some sleep and my fever has started to come down, but I am very aware of the fact that I wouldn't be able to go to work tomorrow. Yet, I would have to find a way to work or face the ramifications.  That is why I am so very grateful that I have 4 days off in a row. I am still in charge of Thanksgiving tomorrow, but at least I know that I can take a break if I need to rest. 

I haven't been able to eat very much today because my throat is very swollen, which makes swallowing hard. To give an idea: my tonsils are so swollen that the two sides are nearly touching. The only other time my throat was this swollen was when I was 17 and ended up in the hospital because my throat had swollen shut. This was just some random illness and not the result of an allergic reaction. The memory of this experience is brought to mind every time I feel my throat is swollen since I don't know what caused it the first time. Since I haven't been able to eat, I am thankful today for soup and hot cider. Both the warm soup and hot cider are soothing on my throat and don't require painful swallowing. 

The last two and a half weeks I have been running myself ragged to take care of everything that has to be done and I have definitely felt this taking its toll on me. It is said that if you don't rest then your body will become ill or hurt to force you to rest. I don't know if it is true, but I have needed to rest and I know that I haven't taken it because I knew I also had to get everything done. Needless to say I am grateful to have this afternoon and evening to rest. I encourage everyone to get the rest they need as much as they possibly can because there isn't always a holiday to bail you out. 

What are you thankful for today?

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