Friday, November 6, 2015

November Challenge: Day 6

I'm sorry that today's post is another late night post. This evening was hectic and I mean hectic! I spent the evening helping my mom clean out her kitchen so that we could move her new kitchen table into the house, it had previously been in her garage. This meant cleaning, organizing, and disassembling furniture so that it would fit through short it was a lot of work. While doing this I was thinking about how wonderful it is when everything is organized and has a place to be stored. In thinking about organization I realized that organization is an attribute that is often taken for granted, but is definitely something that should be appreciated because organization makes your life easier and therefore more enjoyable. 

When you are organizing, regardless of the room or the contents of your things, you realize just how much stuff that you actually have. Most of the items in our homes are things that we thought we needed at one time or another, but never were used or weren't really needed. These items take up space and create clutter, which adds to our daily stress. The worst part is that this stress is preventable. As I said organizing is great about reminding you of just how much stuff that you actually have and this is a great time to give thanks for the plethora of items that you own, while also purging those unnecessary items and donating them to someone else. Donations are a great way to show gratitude for your posessions because you are acknowledging just how blessed you are while sharing your blessings with others. Once you are organized you are much less likely to purchase friviously because you are more aware of your possessions. 

If you have too much stuff don't worry because you are definitely not alone. I am in this category too, but going forward I am going to be more mindful of my possessions and have a greater appreciation for organization. I am thankful for organization, for unique storage ideas, and for donation boxes that prevent items from being wasted. As Jesus said to the rich man, who had many possessions, "Again, I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God," (Matthew 19:24, NIV). Possessions aren't necessarily bad, but they certainly shouldn't run our lives or contibrute to our stress. As we enter into a season of thanksgiving and giving I think this is an important reminder for all of us. 

What are you thankful for today?

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