Saturday, November 14, 2015

November Challenge: Day 14

The last few days I feel as if I have been running nonstop. Between surgery, home projects, and running errands today I feel like I am running on empty. My full steam ahead mentality crashed today  after retuning from the grocery store to a series of questions and an ever lengthening to-do list, a to-do list made by everyone other than me. The result is exhaustion and an overall lack of motivation. That said, today I am thankful for knitting. After these past few days, to just sit and knit while sipping on hot chocolate is a blessing. I am grateful that I was taught how to knit, that I have retained that ability, and that I have the materials necessary to participate in this hobby.

Since I was a little girl I have always been fascinated with knitting and even tried to teach myself how to knit a few times, but was largely unsuccessful. Then in my junior year of high school my English teacher started a knitting club, which a group of my friends and I gladly joined. Both my English and biology teachers taught me how to knit and I have been knitting ever since. The very first project I ever made was a scarf, which I made for my sister-in-law to welcome her into the family. My next project was a beanie and I quickly became the source of handmade beanies for all of my friends.

The aspect of knitting that I enjoy the most is the way it forces me to relax when I am working on a project. I can sit down in front of a movie or tv show and just let the stress of the day work its way out as I alternate between knit and purl stitches. I almost always end up processing thoughts I had been trying to avoid and usually draw some sort of conclusion when I have finished knitting, plus I also have an awesome project completed too. The benefits of knitting are so wonderful that a San Francisco Children's Hospital even has volunteers teach parents how to knit in order for them to release and channel their stress during their child's hospital stay.

I am very thankful for the ability to knit and to release my stress as I work on a project. I am grateful for the completion of my knit infinity scarf, which I can proudly start wearing in the upcoming days. I am thankful for the teachers I have had in my life that have blessed me with so much more than knowledge in a subject. It is 9 years later and I am still being blessed by their act of kindness in teaching me how to knit and because of them I am able to bless others with the items I have knit. What are you thankful for today?

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