Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November Challenge: Day 17

Yesterday I had an awful headache and didn't end up making lunches for today. I chose to put it off until this morning, which I wouldn't advocate doing. I don't recommend putting things off that can be done today because life has a way of derailing our intentions. For instance, last night I spent a few hours lying awake and as a result woke up this morning very tired. I then had to force myself to rush through my morning routine so that I had time to make lunches. In a perfect world I would have time to finish everything and still make it out the door on time, but unfortunately that didn't happen. This morning I left my house later than normal, which turned out ok because I leave a cushion in my drive time to account for unforeseen traffic. That said this caused me to arrive at the exact same time as my client, I normally arrive at least 10 minutes before him, which meant that I was quite literally running from my car to meet him. That meant that I didn't have time to eat a quick breakfast and ensure that I tossed a snack in my purse for my break. I realized this shortcoming after it was too late for me to do anything about it.

I tried to think of how I was going to be able to get back out to my car to grab a snack, but this wasn't really an option. While I was thinking of my options, I began to go through my purse and it was then that I discovered an individually packed brownie bite. Last week, during the time I was waiting at the hospital with my mom, I had bought a pack of 4 brownie bites and had only ate 3, which meant I had tossed the 4th into my purse. The little package had slipped down to the bottom of the purse, ensuring that I wouldn't have stumbled upon it sooner, and saved me on a morning that could have been quite disastrous. I don't know about you, but I tend to get very irritable when I am hungry. I'm not able to eat a lot of food in the mornings during the workweek, but having 1 or 2 items to snack on can make a tremendous difference in my day. I am very thankful that I had accidentally left that snack in my purse. I was able to eat that brownie bite and prevent that starving feeling that I would have felt had I not been able to eat until 12:30 (~19 hours between meals). 

This evening I was feeling better and I was quick to correct yesterday's mistakes. Tonight I made dinner and then made lunches for tomorrow at the same time. Everything is ready to go and I can start tomorrow fresh. I am thankful for preparation and I am grateful for God's safety cushion when I fall short. 

What are you thankful for today?

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