Monday, November 23, 2015

November Challenge: Day 23

There are just 7 more days of this intentional gratitude challenge for the month of November and I have found this experience very rewarding. I hope that you have too. Today I am grateful for the power of the human brain. Last night I was thinking about the vastness of our brains. I kept waking up from strange dreams that combined anything and everything to create the dream I was experiencing. There is something wonderful about the fact that somewhere in our brains holds all of the images we have ever seen, all of the emotions we have felt, our thoughts, the things we have heard, and really just about everything we have ever experienced. We don't always consciously remember all of it, but it is still stored in our brains somewhere. There is something marvelous about this endless capacity to hold information. 

But our brains do so much more than that! Our brains then take all of this stored information and transform that information into unique dreams that we experience every night. The end result isn't always good, but the process is remarkable. Our brains have this endless ability to create new things. This ability to store and to transform is important to remember, especially when it comes to the content we view or the words we listen to. If our brains are constantly storing inappropriate images, thought, or actions then that's what is going to be reproduced. If instead our brains are being filled with what is pure and noble then that is what are brains will use to recreate with. We all have this ability, but how we choose to use it is entirely up to us when we choose each day what to fill our lives with. 

We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Our brains are just one aspect of that. I am very thankful for the brain God has given me and for the remarkable ability it has naturally. Think about everything your brain can do, without you having to think about it, and you will find yourself amazed at God's craftsmanship. What are you thankful for today?

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