Sunday, November 29, 2015

November Challenge: Day 29

November is almost over and I am reminded that Christmas is fastly approaching. This year Advent starts in November with a reminder that there are only 3 Sundays until Christmas. I actually have a challenge with Advent in mind, but I have it starting December first. I will be sharing more information about this tomorrow. Since Christmas is right around the corner, I am grateful today for coupons/sales, life returning to normal, and a surge in DIY ideas to create a personalized season of giving. 

Today I finished some more Christmas shopping and I was thrilled with the coupons I was able to use in combination with the store's sales. I was able to get one order for half-off with both coupons and existing sales, which meant that I ended up purchasing more items for less money. I didn't need the extra items per say, but I was able to get these items I wanted virtually for free. There was also free, two day shipping on another order I placed, which left me excited for Tuesday when it arrives. This order was for a faux suede jacket for my puppy and I can't wait to see how cute she looks in the jacket. I know there are people who would think this was wasteful, but before I get too much criticism, my puppy is a breed of dog that is sensitive to the cold. She is so sensitive in fact that some days she is even shivering in my house and I have to put her in sweaters before wrapping her in blankets. The sweaters I have made her warm her sufficiently, but are not enough for when she has to leave the house. I am thankful that I will be able to get her jacket soon and that I also was able to purchase it for a good price.

The last few days have shown an increase in my mom's energy and a transfer in responsibilities. Life is slowly returning to normal. I no longer am solely responsible for another's household. This was the first weekend I didn't have to rush to the grocery store to make sure there was food. This is partly because there was so much leftover from last week. I did go to grocery shopping today, but with my mom. She wrote her own grocery list and did the grocery shopping, but I was there for support. I was also able to help her by carrying in and putting away the groceries because there are still some tasks that are challenging. Even with this need for support, life is returning to normal and I am able to concentrate on my own life again. This shift in focus has meant a surge in DIY ideas and more creative projects being completed. DIY is an important aspect of who I am and being able to create items is truly wonderful.

What are you thankful for today?

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