Monday, November 16, 2015

November Challenge: Day 16

This post is being written much later than I would have liked and truthfully I almost forgot about it entirely. Today has been a long day and I wish I was already in bed. I have an awful headache and so I am having trouble thinking about much other than being asleep, but as I sat down to write I realized that what I was thankful about today was location. More specifically that my location yesterday was not in the city I work in 3 times a week. Yesterday that city experienced a tornado and damage was done to properties, but no one was injured. The area I live in doesn't typically get tornadoes and as a result most people are unprepared. The whole ordeal was scary for the people who lived there and their fear was still seen today. Today as I battled the 16 mph winds I was reminded of just how easily I could have been there. I don't know what I would do in that situation and I am not familiar enough with the area to know where to seek shelter. For my own sake, I am grateful that I wasn't there and for the sake of others, I am glad that they weren't injured. Property damage can be fixed, but lives can't be replaced.

What are you thankful for today?

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