Monday, November 30, 2015

November Challenge: Day 30

The November Intentional Gratitude Challenge is wrapping up and I have to say that I am grateful for this challenge. During this month there were more than a few days when I was struggling to feel grateful, but I knew that I needed to find some aspect of my life to write about. I knew that I couldn't just write I was grateful for the Chai tea I had for breakfast, it might have been true, but there just isn't a lot I can say about a beverage. Anyways this challenge was wonderful for combating those days when I just couldn't think of something. 

The reality is that for most of us there are a handful of things that we can be grateful for nearly every day. These are health, the breath in our lungs, clothing, shelter, transportation, employment, food, and drink. There is also family and friendship. Nearly every day most of us can be thankful for more than a few of these items. I say nearly every day because there are days when our health is failing or we don't have employment, but even on those days we have something else to be grateful for. Even on the worst of days, if we are still breathing, we have something to be thankful for and for Christians we have even more to be grateful for because our salvation is settled in Jesus Christ. 

I know that being grateful isn't easy. It is honestly so much easier to find the negative and be ungrateful or frustrated, but that isn't how God wants us to live. For me I know that I need to be intentionally grateful or I will just stay in this place of discontentment. If this is the case for you too, then I suggest that you make yourself a list of everything you can be grateful for on a consistent basis, like shelter, so that you have that visual reminder on those days when you are struggling. I write down 3 things I am grateful for in that day, but there are days that are just so frustrating that I do struggle to find the blessing in that day and sometimes the only thing I write is "I survived" and I think that is reason enough to be grateful for. A visual reminder of all the things you already have to be grateful for is great for these days.

As I said at the beginning of this challenge, we shouldn't just be intentionally grateful in the month of November, but rather we should be grateful all year long. Gratitude is a virtue that should be regularly practiced. What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, November 29, 2015

November Challenge: Day 29

November is almost over and I am reminded that Christmas is fastly approaching. This year Advent starts in November with a reminder that there are only 3 Sundays until Christmas. I actually have a challenge with Advent in mind, but I have it starting December first. I will be sharing more information about this tomorrow. Since Christmas is right around the corner, I am grateful today for coupons/sales, life returning to normal, and a surge in DIY ideas to create a personalized season of giving. 

Today I finished some more Christmas shopping and I was thrilled with the coupons I was able to use in combination with the store's sales. I was able to get one order for half-off with both coupons and existing sales, which meant that I ended up purchasing more items for less money. I didn't need the extra items per say, but I was able to get these items I wanted virtually for free. There was also free, two day shipping on another order I placed, which left me excited for Tuesday when it arrives. This order was for a faux suede jacket for my puppy and I can't wait to see how cute she looks in the jacket. I know there are people who would think this was wasteful, but before I get too much criticism, my puppy is a breed of dog that is sensitive to the cold. She is so sensitive in fact that some days she is even shivering in my house and I have to put her in sweaters before wrapping her in blankets. The sweaters I have made her warm her sufficiently, but are not enough for when she has to leave the house. I am thankful that I will be able to get her jacket soon and that I also was able to purchase it for a good price.

The last few days have shown an increase in my mom's energy and a transfer in responsibilities. Life is slowly returning to normal. I no longer am solely responsible for another's household. This was the first weekend I didn't have to rush to the grocery store to make sure there was food. This is partly because there was so much leftover from last week. I did go to grocery shopping today, but with my mom. She wrote her own grocery list and did the grocery shopping, but I was there for support. I was also able to help her by carrying in and putting away the groceries because there are still some tasks that are challenging. Even with this need for support, life is returning to normal and I am able to concentrate on my own life again. This shift in focus has meant a surge in DIY ideas and more creative projects being completed. DIY is an important aspect of who I am and being able to create items is truly wonderful.

What are you thankful for today?

Saturday, November 28, 2015

November Challenge: Day 28

Today I am grateful for flexibility in ideas. The last few months I have been researching and looking at making a change in my personal life. I haven't decided anything yet so I am going to keep the details of this particular decision to myself, at least until I have made a decision. Anyways, I had found what I had been looking for, at least the best that I could find, and I had committed the decision to prayer. I didn't take much action during this time and just allowed the events to unfold. I'm not sure  if this was a poor decision or God using my lapse in actions as an opportunity to present me with something different. Time will have the final say in that decision. 

Let me explain. I had found what I was looking for, committed it to prayer, and did nothing else. During this time circumstances had changed and it turns out waiting had cost me what I was looking for, time had made it disappear. I now had to search again and this also meant that I had to expand my lens of focus to include more options because I just wasn't finding what I needed. My decision had been compromised, but I managed to find something better. Again, the final decision hasn't been made, but this time it is largely because I am unable to finish this decision at this time. Granted there are compromises that have to be made. This isn't what I had wanted, but in its place I am gaining more than I would have hoped for before. 

These compromises that I would have to make mean that I have to be flexible. At first I was really struggling with being flexible because I knew what I wanted, but then I allowed the possibility of compromise to infiltrate my mind and the result was a plethora of ideas based on the compromises. This second option isn't what I originally wanted, but flexibility in my thinking has allowed me to see this option as something that I can manage. I am not unable to put these ideas into place, but the very fact that I have envisioned them means that they are a possibility. This is why I think that maybe God has used my lapse in action to present me with a better opportunity. 

It is important to be flexible in our thinking because often God alters our plans that we would want to see fulfilled in favor of His plans that are much better for our lives. It is easy to see the loss and be upset, after all we consider ourselves experts in our lives or at least as far as what we need, but God sees the whole picture, the long term affects this decision will have on our lives. Sometimes what seems like a perfect decision today is the catalyst to unfortunate circumstances tomorrow. We are unable to know the circumstances of tomorrow and so we can never be certain that our decisions will fit our needs in those circumstances. My original decision fit my needs perfectly today, but I can see incidences in the future when that decision could be problematic. I have to consider these changes in my decision as an indication of another opportunity God has for me and that is better suited to my needs. 

Flexibility is a wonderful ability and trait. I am thankful for the ability to be flexible and to imagine something different when circumstances change. What are you thankful for today?

Friday, November 27, 2015

November Challenge: Day 27

Today has become known as Black Friday or the day after Thanksgiving when millions flock to the stores in search of a good deal. Over the years Black Friday has merged into Thursday evening and threatens to take the place of a Thanksgiving gathering. In years past I have even spent Thursday night  at the stores searching for the best deals, but it was always after family time had ended. There is quite a bit that could be said about Black Friday shopping, both good and bad, but that isn't what this is about. This year, both because I was sick and because I was drained from the last few weeks, I opted out of shopping Thursday evening and I don't really feel I missed anything. I was able to sit in my pjs  and scroll through online deals at various stores. This year most of the in-store deals were also available online, which is a wonderful improvement to Black Friday. I am thankful for these deals.

Black Friday has gotten a bad reputation and I completely understand why, but it isn't all bad. For some, these deals are the only way they can afford to purchase the items. Items they either needed or wanted to purchase for Christmas. Christmas is much more than presents, but giving has become the outlet we have for expressing our love for one another. There have been years when I had a very small budget in which to get everyone gifts and the ingredients I needed for holiday baking. If it weren't for the deals I found on Black Friday I wouldn't have been able to finish my Christmas list. Then there are other years when some item I needed had broke, but I couldn't afford to replace it and then I would see it in an affordable price range at a store on Black Friday. This isn't every year, but it has happened and when it has Black Friday deals have been a wonderful blessing. 

Shopping isn't necessarily a bad thing, just like with anything else, and depends entirely on your intentions. The Bible says that we are to store our treasures up in heaven and not on earth where they can rot away. Material possessions are not going to last and ultimately these items stay on earth when our bodies have departed. That is just one of those facts of life. These items we purchase and store up on earth can also overwhelm us, causing unfortunate consequences. Our living spaces can become cluttered, resulting in added stress, but our minds can also become obsessed with these items until we become convinced that we need them. If we are not careful then our lives can begin to be controlled by material possessions. This is when shopping becomes bad. If we care more about material possessions then other people we have fallen short. If we are willing to sacrifice what shouldn't be sacrificed in order to get the latest product then we have fallen short. 

Deals are not evil and shopping isn't bad, but we can make it that way. Personally, I love to search around for the best deal and knowing I saved money makes me happy. Yet, I'm not going to stampede people to achieve that goal or pepper spray someone in the process. I am also not going to yell or demand my way when store employees are just trying to do their jobs. Getting the best deal has allowed me to do more for others and even allowed me the extra funds to shop for children that won't receive much, such as the children that are part of Angel Tree. These moments are moments that I treasure because I know they wouldn't have been possible without budgeting and finding deals. Shopping with other people in mind is a great way to keep your perspective in the flurry of good deals and pressure to buy more and more. 

What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, November 26, 2015

November Challenge: Day 26

Happy Thanksgiving!

"In everything give thanks.." There is so much for Christians to be thankful for and in everything we should show gratitude to God for it is His will for our lives. Even on the very worst of days, those imagined and those we have experienced, we can show gratitude because even on those days our eternity has been sealed with Jesus. When we are hurt, when we face loss, and when we are grieving we can rest in the hope that is Jesus Christ for this life is not the end. For Christians there is hope in an eternal life spent with God where sorrow is not known. I am not claiming that Christians shouldn't experience grief or that they don't have a right to feel their hurt, but that even in loss we can show gratitude to God. In everything give thanks. 

Today, I am thankful for the success of the Thanksgiving dinner I cooked. Cooking the turkey had some challenges, but I was able to overcome these challenges and cook a 20 lb turkey for dinner. The challenges were actually pretty funny. The first challenge came when I pulled the roasting pan out of the oven to add some tinfoil and the left tucked wing of the turkey decided to break free, wedging the turkey wing against the top of the oven. With some help I was able to get the wing unstuck and the turkey back in the pan to finish cooking. The second challenge came when it was time to flip the turkey. The 20 lb turkey was nearly too big for my oven, which meant that flipping the turkey was near impossible. Again, the turkey threatened to become stuck in the oven. Fortunately, the challenges were overcome and the turkey was cooked. Going into this dinner I had done a substantial amount of research about cooking turkeys and because of this I am slightly disappointed because my turkey was not as juicy as I would have liked. 

Regardless, I am still thankful that the turkey was cooked and ready in time for dinner. The sides I cooked (mashed potatoes, scalloped potatoes, french cut green beans, whole green beans with almonds, and stuffing) all turned out well and very little of the sides was left over. I am also thankful for the sweet Hawaiian rolls and the pies, we had both pumpkin and apple. Thanksgiving dinner was a success and everyone seemed to be happy with their meals, which honestly is another reason to be grateful. 

As I sit in the comfort of my home, having enjoyed a wonderful meal, I can't help but remember that not everyone goes home for Thanksgiving. The men and women of the US military have sacrificed their happy moments with their own families that I would be able to experience my own with my family. There are many families that tonight are missing their loved ones, praying that they are safe, and not knowing when they will see their ones again. I am thankful for the sacrifice these families are making too. I wish there wasn't a need for war and that all of the members of the military could be home with their family, but since they can't, it is important to appreciate their sacrifice. 
There is so much to be thankful for and I hope that this challenge has inspired you to think of all the areas of your life where you can show gratitude. Every area, even the complicated ones, is a chance to give thanks to God. There are four more days left in November, which means there are four more days to give thanks. November isn't the only month that we can express thankfulness. Gratitude is an activity that we should practice daily. Every night I record on my phone three aspects of my day that I am grateful for and every week I record the week's blessings in a document on my computer. I started this practice last year. Keeping a record of your blessings makes it easy to access on days when you are struggling to be grateful. 

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

November Challenge: Day 25

Today I am grateful to have the next 4 days off from work. Last night I went to bed with a sore throat, but I figured I had just stressed my vocal cords singing to a client at work. Then this morning I woke up and my throat was now swollen too. I really wasn't feeling well, but I managed to get up and go to work. I was suppose to work 2 hours, but ended up working 4. I believe working these additional hours catapulted the effects of not feeling well. I came home to find out I not only had a swollen throat, but a high fever as well. This afternoon I was able to get some sleep and my fever has started to come down, but I am very aware of the fact that I wouldn't be able to go to work tomorrow. Yet, I would have to find a way to work or face the ramifications.  That is why I am so very grateful that I have 4 days off in a row. I am still in charge of Thanksgiving tomorrow, but at least I know that I can take a break if I need to rest. 

I haven't been able to eat very much today because my throat is very swollen, which makes swallowing hard. To give an idea: my tonsils are so swollen that the two sides are nearly touching. The only other time my throat was this swollen was when I was 17 and ended up in the hospital because my throat had swollen shut. This was just some random illness and not the result of an allergic reaction. The memory of this experience is brought to mind every time I feel my throat is swollen since I don't know what caused it the first time. Since I haven't been able to eat, I am thankful today for soup and hot cider. Both the warm soup and hot cider are soothing on my throat and don't require painful swallowing. 

The last two and a half weeks I have been running myself ragged to take care of everything that has to be done and I have definitely felt this taking its toll on me. It is said that if you don't rest then your body will become ill or hurt to force you to rest. I don't know if it is true, but I have needed to rest and I know that I haven't taken it because I knew I also had to get everything done. Needless to say I am grateful to have this afternoon and evening to rest. I encourage everyone to get the rest they need as much as they possibly can because there isn't always a holiday to bail you out. 

What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

November Challenge: Day 24

Thanksgiving is just a day away and this will be the first year that I am cooking the meal entirely by myself. I have cooked the bulk of the meal in years past, but my mother and grandmother were always nearby assisting in one way or another. Plus we always used pre-prepared meals purchased from grocery stores, but this is the first year I will be cooking the meal by myself from raw ingredients. Since this is my first time preparing a Thanksgiving meal entirely by myself I am very grateful for Pinterest. Pinterest has been a wonderful source of recipes and useful information about how to prepare the best Thanksgiving meal. I have the ability to cook and I know how to read a recipe so I am not worried, but it is still nice to know that Pinterest is there to support me.

I do not have to cook for a large group of people, but I still need to prepare a meal for four people and I need the meal to taste well enough that they will be content eating the leftovers the next day. Ordinarily I would say this is not a problem, but two of the four people I am cooking for are very picky and vocal about their dissatisfaction. Although this experience is a bit overwhelming, I trust in my ability to successfully make this meal. The last few weeks I have spent a lot of time researching recipes and reading every helpful tip that I came across. This evening I spent time writing down my timeline for Thanksgiving day, everything that needs to get done, and recording all of the necessary steps that need to be done to prepare and cook my turkey. Thanks to the information on Pinterest I feel prepared and I am confident that I can pull off a successful Thanksgiving dinner.

Part of that confidence comes from the fact that the refrigerator is stock full of leftovers from this week and these leftovers provide a safety net should a disaster strike on Thanksgiving. I have to laugh at this because anyone else would panic at the thought of disaster striking, but I know that I have the ability to make things work, even if dinner doesn't turn out the way it is suppose to, and there is peace in that knowledge. Taking over another person's household hasn't been easy, but I believe I have been successful in achieving everything that needs to get done and I think that Thanksgiving will be the crowning achievement of that success. I owe my success to wonderful meal ideas that I found on Pinterest, as well as helpful tips for organizing menus for the week. 

Yes, I am grateful for Pinterest, but I know that my success with Pinterest is due to the fact that God has allowed me to find the pins I need in a sea of pins that I don't. It is God that has made organizing and preparing these last few weeks manageable. And it will be God who will make my Thanksgiving meal a success. I am not worried because God Himself is on my side. If God is for me, who could possibly be against me? As I finish out my second week of running my mom's household, I know that I have been blessed in my success by God and I am very grateful. What are you thankful for today?

Monday, November 23, 2015

November Challenge: Day 23

There are just 7 more days of this intentional gratitude challenge for the month of November and I have found this experience very rewarding. I hope that you have too. Today I am grateful for the power of the human brain. Last night I was thinking about the vastness of our brains. I kept waking up from strange dreams that combined anything and everything to create the dream I was experiencing. There is something wonderful about the fact that somewhere in our brains holds all of the images we have ever seen, all of the emotions we have felt, our thoughts, the things we have heard, and really just about everything we have ever experienced. We don't always consciously remember all of it, but it is still stored in our brains somewhere. There is something marvelous about this endless capacity to hold information. 

But our brains do so much more than that! Our brains then take all of this stored information and transform that information into unique dreams that we experience every night. The end result isn't always good, but the process is remarkable. Our brains have this endless ability to create new things. This ability to store and to transform is important to remember, especially when it comes to the content we view or the words we listen to. If our brains are constantly storing inappropriate images, thought, or actions then that's what is going to be reproduced. If instead our brains are being filled with what is pure and noble then that is what are brains will use to recreate with. We all have this ability, but how we choose to use it is entirely up to us when we choose each day what to fill our lives with. 

We are fearfully and wonderfully made. Our brains are just one aspect of that. I am very thankful for the brain God has given me and for the remarkable ability it has naturally. Think about everything your brain can do, without you having to think about it, and you will find yourself amazed at God's craftsmanship. What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, November 22, 2015

November Challenge: Day 22

Happy Sunday! Today I am thankful for the gift of repurposing. This afternoon I spent some time transforming old fleece blankets into new pillow covers for my throw pillows. The colors I used (green, plaid, and brown) are a great transition into the Christmas season. I know we haven't celebrated Thanksgiving yet, but I love to start decorating for Christmas early. I enjoy creating many of my holiday decorations, which means I have to start preparing the projects early. Today I finished 2 throw pillows, a lampshade, and a placemat. The projects were completed with a hand-stitched moose applique. I adore the rich colors for this Christmas and have been blessed to find so many complimentary accents. Colors and decorations are not the reason for the season, but I don't think it is wrong to appreciate our  seasonal home decor as long as it doesn't distract us from the true meaning of Christmas. 

I chose to repurpose items I had for my Christmas decor this year because I think it is important to use the items we already have excess of before we go out and buy more. Many people are struggling to get by this season while I am not even using everything I purchased last year or the year before. I don't think there is anything wrong with sticking to a theme, but I always seem to have themed items left over at the end of the year. These items start to add up and so at some point we have to make a crucial decision: do we donate/toss the excess or repurpose it? This year I am trying to repurpose as many of the items as I can. Most of this is in the form of the packaging I will use for baked goods, but also includes using the spools of wrapping paper I already have instead of purchasing more. Repurposing is a fun and rewarding challenge. 

The act of repurposing reminds me of a Biblical truth that I think is especially important in light of current events around the world. God uses circumstances in our lives, circumstances intended for evil, for our good. In essence God takes the evil intent at the heart of our circumstances and repurposes it for our good. He is constantly at work reshaping our lives that in the end our lives would be beautiful masterpieces that reflect the life of His son, Jesus. This act of repurposing I am very grateful for. I love knowing that at the heart of every circumstance God is working it toward my good. It doesn't matter what the original material was. The only thing that matters is the final product. God is a good and perfect craftsman. We are blessed to be in His capable hands as He works in our lives. The Bible itself reflects this very truth. God made use of every person through their flaws, transforming their lives as they allowed Him to repurpose the fabric of their lives, and allowed them to be the wonderful instruments of change that we remember them to be. 

Repurposing is a wonderful thing. What are you thankful for today?

Saturday, November 21, 2015

November Challenge: Day 21

Thanksgiving is less than a week away and there is still so much to get done. For me, I still have to buy all of the thanksgiving groceries and then begin the preparations for the actual meal itself. Yet, I know that for others they don't have the money for groceries and the meal that they prepare will be much less. Every year my church holds a Thanksgiving Reach where 600 local families are provided with groceries for a Thanksgiving meal as well as for an additional meal. The members of my church deliver these groceries to these families the Saturday before Thanksgiving and every year I have helped to deliver groceries too. This year, I was unfortunately unable to participate in the delivery of groceries, but my thoughts were not far from the people who did. 

Gratitude is important, but in gratitude we should share our blessings with others. I have always had enough, maybe not everything I wanted, but I never have had to experience need and I think that God has blessed me with enough so that I could in turn bless the people around me. Every day we are blessed with various gifts, including health, strength, compassion, food, and shelter. We have so much to be thankful for and we have been given more than enough to share with others. Sharing is important because often it is through us that God chooses to bless those around us. Think about and recall all of the times your blessings have come from another person. Maybe it was the stranger who wished you a good day when you were about to cry. Maybe it was the person in front of you who paid for your order too. Or maybe it was a friend who called just to see how you were doing when you were feeling down about life. We all have been blessed by the people around us and it is our responsibility to do the same.

Blessing the people around you doesn't have to be delivering thanksgiving groceries to their door or donating a large sum of money, but can be anything that you can do that directly benefits their lives. It might be stopping to hold the door for someone who obviously has their hands full. Or it might be buying a cup of coffee and a breakfast sandwich for a homeless man who is cold and hungry. You don't have to look for people to bless because God brings those people to you. I can't begin to count the number of people God has brought into my life that I never saw again, but was able to bless in those few moments we had an encounter. There are so many things that we can do for other people if only we stop and consider them for a moment. Our lives are busy, but I don't think God ever intended our lives to be so busy that we were unable to help someone who needed us. 

Today I am thankful that I have enough, that I don't have to worry about where my meal is going to come from, and I am grateful that I have never had to worry about having enough food. I am blessed that I have been given more than enough and that I can help others. I am thankful there are organizations out there who make blessing others easier. What are you thankful for today?

Friday, November 20, 2015

November Challenge: Day 20

Have you ever driven to a destination, a destination you always go to, only to find out the main road you need is closed? Then there is that moment when you don't know where to go, but you know you have to make a decision. Today was one of those days. I was in between appointments with clients, driving the same roads I always drive, and then I saw that orange diamond alerting me to a road closure. Thankfully I have GPS on my phone and I was able to have Siri help me figure it out. I know I already did a post on technology, but I decided that I needed to do a post for GPS. 

GPS is truly an amazing aspect of the modern world. I don't have to know how to get somewhere. I only have to know where I want to go. The creation of GPS has allowed humans to find places that they would have only dreamed of before, has saved countless relationships from fights, and has allowed us to experience a variety of locations without being stranded on a road unsure of where to go next. GPS has also allowed us to overcome life's roadblocks, saving us from stress as we try to figure it out, and allowing us to still reach our destinations on time. 

Knowing how to get to your destination is a wonderful thing. GPS is not the only item that tells us how to get to our destination. The Bible does too. If you know where you want to go for eternity, heaven or hell, then the Bible tells you exactly how to get there. The Bible is the GPS for our souls and just like the GPS I am thankful for the Bible, which has kept me on the path to my destination since I was first saved 20 years ago. Yes, there are times I have taken a wrong turn or life has thrown a roadblock in my way, but the Bible has always gotten me back on track. 

What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, November 19, 2015

November Challenge: Day 19

Today I am thankful for quiet. This week has been long, with several additional stresses, and I am so very glad it is Thursday. The need for quiet and rest today must have been evident because God blessed me with my client leaving an hour early, which meant I was also able to go home early and the house was quiet when I came home. The storm of yesterday had passed and in its place was a quietness and solitude. There wasn't the sight of a rainbow, but there is quiet and honestly that is just as good. As I close out my week, I am grateful for the opportunity for retreat and the break from responsibilities that are not truly my own. 

I cannot stress the importance of rest and retreat. The best part of my day is that moment when I get to enter into that time of quiet and solitude. My day is quite literally filled with noise from sunup until sundown and at a certain point I just need to retreat to a quiet place. My need for this is at times so great that I will forgo lunch with my coworkers to eat alone somewhere. It isn't that I can get rid of all of the background noises, but that I need that time without people constantly talking. That time of silence to think and to process my thoughts without all that extra noise. Every time I enter into a time of quiet and solitude I am entering into a time with God. 

Just as much as I need to turn off the noise to think I need to turn off the noise so that I can hear God's still small voice. Yes, God could reach me in all of the noise of the day, but that might mean He has to throw a brick at me and I don't want that. Every night I put away all of my electronics, close my door, and enter into quiet time. I spend the time reading scripture, reading a devotional, and talking to God in prayer.  This isn't the only time I pray, but this is the time I can pour my heart out to God and hand over to Him all of the things I am facing. Quiet time is an excellent time to give thanks to God (even remembering the specifics of your day for which you can be grateful), to offer Him all of your burdens, and to allow Him to speak to You concerning His will and direction for your life. 

Quiet time, time when you can be alone with God, is important. It doesn't matter when you do it during your day as long as you do it. A few months ago, during the summer, I also had quiet time with God in the mornings before work. I scheduled this time in my planner as Coffee with God and that is what I did, every morning before work I would sit at a coffee shop and enjoy coffee with God. When my schedule changed in fall I was no longer able to do it, but I can vouch that this time with God was an incredible way to start my day. That time was a time for me to refocus on God and I found that my heart was always at peace as I entered into the chaos of work. During summer I still had my quiet time in the evenings too so each work day started and ended in quiet time with God. This was a rewarding experience. If my daily schedule ever had consistent start times again I would definitely make coffee with God a part of my morning routine again. 

Silence is golden. I am so incredibly thankful for the quiet and rest that this evening has brought. I am thankful for quiet time alone with God. I am grateful that in a day filled with noise I can still find time to listen to God's still small voice. What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

November Challenge: Day 18

I apologize that this is another late night post. This evening was one of those evenings that I didn't want to deal with a situation and was dreading it all day. Then tonight that situation ended in a huge blow up. The details of what happened are not important, but rather the results. Tonight, I was doing a  favor for my mom ( I'll add a favor I didn't want to do) and helping my sister. I was never asked if I would help, but it was just assumed and I was already very upset about this. I don't think that you should expect more from someone when they have already helped you so much and I definitely think that if you want more that you should ask, not assume. That said I was putting my frustration aside and helping. Then in the moment of trying to help I was insulted and disrespected. In that moment I chose to establish and make clear boundaries. I wouldn't be talked to in that way and that as a result I was not going to help. 

Of course this decision resulted in a blow up, but I held my ground and for that I am grateful. I did what no one else has done and illustrated there are consequences for your actions. As a result, the people around me supported my decision, applauded it, and made clear that they would do the same.  This is something else that has never happened. I am grateful for the support because the night could have been a whole lot worse if they had given in like always. I am mentioning this because as I said before the results are important. I have a tendency to bend over backwards helping someone, to the point of it being an honest sacrifice for me, and people have a tendency to take advantage of me as a result. I try not to let this happen, but I am constantly feeling belittled as a result of helping others. I don't think this is how we should feel and I don't think this is how God envisioned us to live our lives. We are called to be meek like lambs, but shrewed like lions. 

Yes, we should help other people and take care of their needs. That said we are not other people's slaves. Jesus divided the loaves and fishes: He did not allow His disciples to go without. The disciples helped other people, but Jesus didn't require that they did everything everyone asked of them either. There is a line that is to be made and I think it is important that we make that line clear. Otherwise we end up as doormats and our once pure hearts become bitter. I have noticed this in my own heart. My compassion has become less as my heart has hardened, but tonight there was victory. I am aware this is only the beginning, but I know the importance in this victory and I will not allow myself to fail in establishing these necessary boundaries. 

With all of this said, I also need to confess my sin. Tonight, in my anger, I sinned. I didn't guard my tongue and I repeated a fact in a way that was designed to be hurtful. I shouldn't have made my comment because I only said it to make a hurtful point. The truth of the comment isn't as important as the intent behind it. I am not proud that I allowed the comments of another to cause me to sin. I believe my anger tonight would have been considered justified, but my response wasn't. I am not perfect and I still have a long ways to go, but I hope my honesty is encouragement to keep trying to live a life that brings honor to God. 

This is certainly not the grateful post I intended, but I am grateful and I hope everyone sees that in every moment there is an opportunity to be happy and to be grateful. Tonight is not the night I would have sat down to write about when thinking about thankfulness, but being intentionally grateful has made me see the gratitude I can have even in a moment such as tonight. What are you thankful for today? 

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

November Challenge: Day 17

Yesterday I had an awful headache and didn't end up making lunches for today. I chose to put it off until this morning, which I wouldn't advocate doing. I don't recommend putting things off that can be done today because life has a way of derailing our intentions. For instance, last night I spent a few hours lying awake and as a result woke up this morning very tired. I then had to force myself to rush through my morning routine so that I had time to make lunches. In a perfect world I would have time to finish everything and still make it out the door on time, but unfortunately that didn't happen. This morning I left my house later than normal, which turned out ok because I leave a cushion in my drive time to account for unforeseen traffic. That said this caused me to arrive at the exact same time as my client, I normally arrive at least 10 minutes before him, which meant that I was quite literally running from my car to meet him. That meant that I didn't have time to eat a quick breakfast and ensure that I tossed a snack in my purse for my break. I realized this shortcoming after it was too late for me to do anything about it.

I tried to think of how I was going to be able to get back out to my car to grab a snack, but this wasn't really an option. While I was thinking of my options, I began to go through my purse and it was then that I discovered an individually packed brownie bite. Last week, during the time I was waiting at the hospital with my mom, I had bought a pack of 4 brownie bites and had only ate 3, which meant I had tossed the 4th into my purse. The little package had slipped down to the bottom of the purse, ensuring that I wouldn't have stumbled upon it sooner, and saved me on a morning that could have been quite disastrous. I don't know about you, but I tend to get very irritable when I am hungry. I'm not able to eat a lot of food in the mornings during the workweek, but having 1 or 2 items to snack on can make a tremendous difference in my day. I am very thankful that I had accidentally left that snack in my purse. I was able to eat that brownie bite and prevent that starving feeling that I would have felt had I not been able to eat until 12:30 (~19 hours between meals). 

This evening I was feeling better and I was quick to correct yesterday's mistakes. Tonight I made dinner and then made lunches for tomorrow at the same time. Everything is ready to go and I can start tomorrow fresh. I am thankful for preparation and I am grateful for God's safety cushion when I fall short. 

What are you thankful for today?

Monday, November 16, 2015

November Challenge: Day 16

This post is being written much later than I would have liked and truthfully I almost forgot about it entirely. Today has been a long day and I wish I was already in bed. I have an awful headache and so I am having trouble thinking about much other than being asleep, but as I sat down to write I realized that what I was thankful about today was location. More specifically that my location yesterday was not in the city I work in 3 times a week. Yesterday that city experienced a tornado and damage was done to properties, but no one was injured. The area I live in doesn't typically get tornadoes and as a result most people are unprepared. The whole ordeal was scary for the people who lived there and their fear was still seen today. Today as I battled the 16 mph winds I was reminded of just how easily I could have been there. I don't know what I would do in that situation and I am not familiar enough with the area to know where to seek shelter. For my own sake, I am grateful that I wasn't there and for the sake of others, I am glad that they weren't injured. Property damage can be fixed, but lives can't be replaced.

What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, November 15, 2015

November Challenge: Day 15

Today is the 15th, which means I am officially half-way through this month of intentional gratitude and you are too if you have decided to enter into this journey with me. I know that I have started a few of these posts by stating something negative or critical about my life or day, but I believe doing this helps you to fully understand why an ordinary aspect of life is truly a blessing. I'm not trying to encourage complaining, but to practice the skill of refocusing your thoughts to see the positive. Taking a complaint and turning it into a blessing is challenge, but this practice cultivates a more grateful heart. A perfect example of this can be found in today's blessing.

Last night I was up most of the night and wasn't feeling well. Part of not feeling well has been my battle with acid reflux nearly every night, which has become an ongoing battle over these last few months. I am woke up from the painful, burning sensation in my chest and forced to stay awake until the acid decides to return to my stomach. Medication hasn't seemed to help and I am hoping this new nightly trend will disappear soon. I mention this nightly battle because when I have a particularly bad night then I usually wake up in the morning irritated, a natural side effect of not getting enough sleep.  I'm not trying to justify starting your morning irritated, but I think it is important to remember that a good night of sleep is going to dramatically affect your day. 

When I did wake up and manage to start my day, it was to a series of questions and complaints about my method of running a household, which I was only doing as part of helping my mom recover after her surgery. My own needs and concerns I already have over running my own life is of no matter to this other set of lives. There was a fight. Isn't there always one? And I just left the situation really frustrated. I am doing my mom a favor and outside of my mom, everyone is capable of taking care of themselves. The fact that I am handling everything my mom typically handles is a favor to her and not because the other parties are unable to do these things themselves. Needless to say I left this argument frustrated and really upset at the absolute selfishness being displayed. I was hurt by the condescending tone and implication about my ability to run a household. 

This moment is one of those moments when my heart is full, I'm weary from sadness and frustration, but I don't do anything. By anything, I mean that I didn't pray about it or give it over to God. Honestly, I just let it sit there and allow it to consume my morning. Yet, in this moment God saw my heart full of hurt and the tears not yet shed and He read these as if they were the words in a prayer. Prayer is important, it is in prayer that God reveals His heart to us, but in those moments when we can't pray He is there too and He hears the prayers we are unable to pray. He hears those unspoken prayers just as loudly as the prayers that we speak and He answers our prayers in every form that they are given.

It wasn't even 30 minutes later and God had answered the prayer I hadn't even prayed. This morning's fight had been about food because though I had gone grocery shopping I hadn't bought extra food beyond what was needed for meals. The cupboards weren't bear, but the food that was there was not what was wanted and I had made clear that the food bought for meals wasn't to be touched, in essence it was being saved for a lunch or a dinner. I don't have the time to run around buying more groceries every day because someone wanted a snack. Hence my frustration. Anyways, after this argument my mom's employer stopped by our house with two bags of groceries. He had went to the store and bought us a meal (rotisserie chicken, scalloped potatoes, a loaf of bread, two salads, and a cake). No one had asked him to do this and as far as I know my mom hasn't talked to him since her surgery a few days ago. We didn't ask, but God had prompted his heart to recognize a need that wasn't being shown. I say need because those groceries smoothed over a roughness in the morning and not an actual need since there were groceries. 

When I opened the bag of groceries and put away the food, my heart was overwhelmed with gratitude. Gratitude for God answering a prayer I hadn't prayed for and reminding me He does answer all of my prayers. Gratitude for my mom's employer, who cared enough about her well-being that he addressed a potential need without being asked. His generosity is a reminder of how we should be loving others. Most people aren't going to ask you to do something for them and are probably going to waive your verbal attempts to help, but that doesn't mean they don't need help or have a need. Loving others means that we need to recognize another's needs without them having to tell us or relying on them to ask. It doesn't mean asserting your presence, but in acting with love in the least aggressive way. This might mean dropping off food without assuming an invitation into their homes or lives, an unexpected gesture of love and kindness. I'm not discouraging a visit with a person, but suggesting that there are times when a person isn't up for a visit, such as after a death or while recovering. In these moments we can show love and compassion without necessarily being present. 

Today, amid chaos and disorder, there was an answer to a prayer and a reminder that we are deeply loved. We are loved by God, who answers all our prayers, ever those prayers we haven't prayed in words. We are loved by others, who express their love in those moments of unexpected kindness. The truth is that even in our seemingly worst moments we have much to be grateful for and it is our responsibility to recognize our blessings, cultivating a grateful heart. My heart is grateful and there is peace. What are you thankful for today?

Saturday, November 14, 2015

November Challenge: Day 14

The last few days I feel as if I have been running nonstop. Between surgery, home projects, and running errands today I feel like I am running on empty. My full steam ahead mentality crashed today  after retuning from the grocery store to a series of questions and an ever lengthening to-do list, a to-do list made by everyone other than me. The result is exhaustion and an overall lack of motivation. That said, today I am thankful for knitting. After these past few days, to just sit and knit while sipping on hot chocolate is a blessing. I am grateful that I was taught how to knit, that I have retained that ability, and that I have the materials necessary to participate in this hobby.

Since I was a little girl I have always been fascinated with knitting and even tried to teach myself how to knit a few times, but was largely unsuccessful. Then in my junior year of high school my English teacher started a knitting club, which a group of my friends and I gladly joined. Both my English and biology teachers taught me how to knit and I have been knitting ever since. The very first project I ever made was a scarf, which I made for my sister-in-law to welcome her into the family. My next project was a beanie and I quickly became the source of handmade beanies for all of my friends.

The aspect of knitting that I enjoy the most is the way it forces me to relax when I am working on a project. I can sit down in front of a movie or tv show and just let the stress of the day work its way out as I alternate between knit and purl stitches. I almost always end up processing thoughts I had been trying to avoid and usually draw some sort of conclusion when I have finished knitting, plus I also have an awesome project completed too. The benefits of knitting are so wonderful that a San Francisco Children's Hospital even has volunteers teach parents how to knit in order for them to release and channel their stress during their child's hospital stay.

I am very thankful for the ability to knit and to release my stress as I work on a project. I am grateful for the completion of my knit infinity scarf, which I can proudly start wearing in the upcoming days. I am thankful for the teachers I have had in my life that have blessed me with so much more than knowledge in a subject. It is 9 years later and I am still being blessed by their act of kindness in teaching me how to knit and because of them I am able to bless others with the items I have knit. What are you thankful for today?

Friday, November 13, 2015

November Challenge: Day 13

Today I am thankful for an extra day. Yesterday was my mom's surgery, but I took off today too because I wasn't sure how she would be doing and how much help she would actually need. She is doing really well and hasn't needed much help, which has allowed me to get a lot of things done today. Last night I slept well, which gave me the energy to wake up and get things done. I was able to  pick up a few groceries before anyone was awake and put everything away without "help". Since my mom was doing well, I decided to work on some home projects of my own. These were organization projects I have wanted to get done, but just haven't had the time or the energy to really finish them. There is still a lot that has to be done, but I finished quite a bit and feel these projects are much more manageable now. 

One of the projects I tackled was cleaning out my dresser in my closet. I emptied out all of the contents and reorganized everything. I shuffled around the contents of my Sterilite storage and I believe I am utilizing them better now. I didn't have room in my closet, largely because the dresser is in my closet, and was having to hang clothing on a shelf in my room, but after cleaning today I was able to transfer the clothing into my closet. This is a blessing because my clothing is more accessible and moving the clothing frees up space that can be used to decorate my room for Christmas. Cleaning  and organizing my closet today showed me just how blessed I am. A lot of people don't have the quantity of clothing I have and are grateful for the few articles they do have. I wasn't able to fully appreciate everything I had because honestly I didn't really even know what I had. This prompted me to donate some of my clothes, clothes I had once adored, and free my clothes to be a blessing to someone else. 

So much stuff!?! That seems to be the theme of the day. I don't think I fully realized how much stuff I had in certain categories until I addressed those organizational projects I had been putting off. One item I have a lot of is lotion and a collection of misc beauty products. Most of these items come from gifts I received or free products that were given to me from places like Bath and Body Works and Sephora. There is a sense of obligation to keep these items, after all they are quality products that I can use, but these items quickly monopolize my space. This is still an area I need to address, but today I spent time purging these items. I kept the items I liked or wanted to try and threw out the items I didn't like or would never use. Previously I had wanted to donate these items, but I have noticed a lot of organizations don't want these type of items because they could be contaminated and prefer items that are still sealed from a store. I have found that the free travel sized lotions I receive from Bath and Body Works are great for quick, last minute gifts because they give the recipient the opportunity to try the scent without being stuck with a large bottle. These items can also be included in care packages for the homeless. 

Possessions have a way of taking over our space and our lives. Yes, we are blessed to have the possessions we have, but we should share these possessions with others. In the future I will be purging more items and have plans to donate a lot more. I have a few ideas about how to use my stuff to help specific organizations and groups of people, which I will post when I am able to execute these ideas. Until then, I wholeheartedly encourage donating your unwanted items as your donations can be given away to individuals in need or sold at thrift stores to generate revenue to be used for charities. 

I am thankful for a free day and the opportunity to accomplish household organizational projects. I am grateful for the possessions I have and for the possessions I am able to donate to help others. What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, November 12, 2015

November Challenge: Day 12

Happy Thursday!
Boy am I exhausted! I had an early morning today because of my mom's surgery and spent the next 10.5 hours with her in the hospital. :-/ I haven't slept, have barely ate anything, have a horrible headache, and am about to crawl into bed, but I do so with a very grateful heart. My mom's surgery took longer than expected (~2 hours), but the surgery itself was a success. There were some minor complications, but the surgeon was able to adjust accordingly. Most of our time at the hospital was spent waiting in recovery (~6.5 hours), but the floor was empty and devoid of excess noise. Again there were some complications, but my mom's doctor was thorough in her visit and felt confident that my mom would recover normally at home. Recovery at home is a tremendous blessing because for awhile we thought she would have to be admitted to the hospital for the night, something that wasn't planned for. I am thankful for a successful surgery and a home recovery, but I am also thankful for the wonderful staff at the hospital.

All of the staff and volunteers at the hospital were kind and helpful. The doctor was very compassionate and genuinely cared about my mom's wellbeing. She could have allowed another physician to take over care of my mom after her surgery as she still had several other surgeries to do, but instead she continued to care for my mom throughout the day and made it a point to check on her.  My mom also had a wonderful nurse that was concerned with her modesty at a time when a lot of people just wouldn't have cared. He was very respectful and made sure my mom, as well as me, were comfortable at all times. He even brought me a tray of food and insisted I eat something because he knew I had been there all day with very little food to eat. This nurse also stayed 1.5 hours after his shift had ended to make sure that he saw my mom successfully discharged from the hospital. He put off time with his family for the wellbeing of mine. I am so very blessed to have encountered the staff I did because I know it could so very easily have gone the other way. 

My head still hurts, but I am home and get to rest in my own bed tonight. I am thankful for the success in surgery and the kindness of hospital employees.  What are you thankful for?

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

November Challenge: Day 11

Today is Vereran's Day, a salute to those who have served and who are currently serving in the military, and is an opportunity to remember their service and sacrifices for our country. Their service is so much more than just country and includes all of the people that reside in it. Their sacrifice extends beyond their physical services provided in war to include time away from their family and sometimes a greater emotional loss than they could have ever prepared for. I am so very grateful for the men and women who have served our country and who continue to serve. I have many veterans in my family and I have also had the privilege of knowing many more. I can attest to the fact that their sacrifice continues long after the war is over. 

Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one's life for one's friends. John 15:13 (NIV)

Conflict and war has existed since the beginning of time. There has always been a need or a duty to fight, to protect, and to preserve what a person feels rightfully belongs to them. Historically soldiers were soldiers because of their gender, ability, and proximity to war, but as populations grew larger there became a distinction between warriors and average men. War was an act of conquest rather than the protection of rights. Then Jesus laid down His life for the preservation of our lives and the true heart of a solider was born. Jesus sacrificed His perfect life for a life that wasn't perfect, that in  countless ways was unworthy, and shouldn't have been preserved. In His death He didn't just die for His friends, but for His enemies too, as well as for all of the people who didn't know Him. His death wasn't a conquest for sake of conquest, but a sacrifice committed by a pure heart, a heart that deeply loved us. Today's soldiers have this same heart. How do I know?

At one point in our history there was a draft and young men were required to serve their country. Of course there was a real and pressing need as our country saw war after war, but that need didn't last forever. There came a point when the draft was removed and young men had to decide their future based on their own hearts rather than the will of a nation. The men who entered into the military did so well aware of the high stakes of war and continued to enter anyways. They didn't do this for country. I love my country, but I wouldn't sacrifice my life to keep it alive. They did it for the people in the country. I would gladly sacrifice my life to preserve the life of a friend. Our country isn't perfect, but within it lies the foundation for a wonderful life for the people we love. That life is worth protecting. Jesus didn't die for the country of Israel, but for the people that made up the nation. Our soldiers aren't honored because they fight for America, but because in every act of service they fight for the people that make up America. They fight for those they love, for those they hate, and for those people they don't know. The men and women of the military willingly lay down their own lives for the lives of others, that includes you and me.

War is a tense topic of discussion. It elicits fear and anger. It also elicits pride. There is a belief among some that war is completely unnecessary while others believe war is a decisive move in the quest for victory. There are still others who understand the merits of war, but also understand the need to strive for peace and diplomacy. Regardless of your own personal views on war, I believe it is important to recognize the intent of the soldiers and to thank them for their willingness to sacrifice based on that intent. The men and women of our military are filled with a love so great that they would risk life and limb to protect those they love, the people of this country. 

Today I am so very thankful for their willingness to sacrifice it all for me and my loved ones. What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November Challenge: Day 10

I returned to work after yesterday's day off and while I'm not feeling 100% back to normal, I was grateful to be back. Today I am grateful for my job. I have a tendency to complain about work and the  annoyances that happen while I am there, but I am blessed to have a good job that provides me with a steady income. There are plenty of things I could complain about, although that is true with just about everything, but today I choose to see the blessings. 

I am blessed to have a job. Many people (locally, nationally, and globally) do not have a job. These people are sending out resumes, going on interviews, and praying they receive the position. A few years ago I was one of those people and I remember how important that position was to me. I am blessed to be working full time. A lot of people are struggling to get and maintain hours. I am blessed to receive benefits from my company. Yes, healthcare requirements have changed, but benefits are always nice. I am blessed to have flexibility in choosing my hours and requesting time off, which is wonderful since I have to take the rest of the week off to help my mom with her surgery. 

As with anything, and I mean anything, it is easy to find things to complain about and those complaints may even be justified, but finding the blessings is a much more rewarding challenge. I might have started this day ungrateful, but I am ending it feeling very blessed because I am blessed and you are blessed too. Today what are you thankful for?

Monday, November 9, 2015

November Challenge: Day 9

Today was another rainy day and yesterday's not feeling well turned into today's illness. I ended up having to stay home from work because I had a fever and just felt awful. This wasn't a choice I wanted to make since most of this week I'll be taking time off to help my mom during her surgery, but I ended up being grateful I did. It started to rain and I was instantly grateful that I was staying inside and not having to make the 30 minute commute. I was feeling pretty miserable today and unable to leave my bed for most of the day, but not really able to sleep either. I turned on my TV, put on a documentary, and started scrolling Pinterest. At times I would turn everything off and try to sleep again, but the reality is you can't sleep 24 hours even when you're sick. This evening I began to feel better, not 100%, but better than before and I settled into the evening to relax before I start another workday, hopefully making it beyond my house. 

It was then that I realized what I was grateful for today: technology. Technology was there to entertain a brain that was bored by a body's weakness. Technology was there to connect me to other people and to inspire me through their creations. Technology was there to help me catch up on work without having to leave my bed and still be able to meet a deadline when I was unable to make it to the office. Technology was there to inform me of a tornado warning this evening and even though it wasn't in my area, the thought is still the same. Technology is a wonderful creation. It enables us to connect with everyone and everything at any time. It provides us with alerts and information that is pertinent to our lives. Technology is also portable and all encompassing, allowing us with plenty of opportunities to do just about everything. Yes, technology has it's downfalls, but as Spider Man said, "with great power comes great responsibility." Technology is what you make of it, both good and bad.

Beyond technology, today I am grateful for a warm bed, hot beverages, and delicious soup. I am grateful for medicine and for company in the form of furry babies. I am also grateful for my free Fabletics water bottle that arrived today. I am grateful for rain and for snow in the area. Today, on a day that didn't go as planned, I am so much to be thankful for. What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, November 8, 2015

November Challenge: Day 8

Happy Sunday! Today I am thankful for a day of rest. After a long work week and a day of running errands my energy is spent and I am tired. Our fast paced world and culture has made the idea of taking a day of rest taboo. This morning I woke up and wasn't feeling well, mainly just worn down, but I honestly felt guilty that I wasn't jumping out of bed ready to accomplish another to-do list. There are so many things that I have to get done and even more to do in the next few weeks, months, etc. that it can be very overwhelming. The truth is that even when we are overwhelmed by our to-do lists that it is ok to take a day of rest. Don't believe me? Genesis 2:3 says that "then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it He rested from all the work of creating that He had done." If God rested on the seventh day then how much more do we need to rest? 

Rest is important to our health: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Rest allows us the opportunity to take care of our needs. It is important to balance our needs with the needs of others. If we spend too much time on others' needs then we become drained and are useless. If we spend too much time on our own needs then we prevent ourself from being used by God in the lives of the people around us. It is a delicate balance, but we need to strive to maintain it so that we can be of optimal use for the kingdom of God. Taking a day of rest is important. A few years ago I was working everyday, both at my office and at my church, and I was just drained. I didn't want to give up my work at the church, but I desperately needed a day of rest again. I ended up changing my work schedule so that I had Monday off, which gave me a day of rest again. Then my needs changed again and I worked within my schedule to ensure I kept my day of rest, this time on Sunday. In the Jewish faith the Sabbath is on Saturday, while in the Protestant faith the day of rest is on Sunday so there isn't a universally accepted day of rest. In a world that is constantly moving you might have to be creative with your schedule and find a day that works for you. 

Rest is important that is why God gave us a day to rest in our busy weeks. Today I am resting with a grateful heart that God gave me His day to just rest and take care of my needs. It is comforting to know that God has set aside this day for me and that I can take it without having to feel guilt. I a, thankful for Sunday and my day of rest. What are you thankful for today?

Saturday, November 7, 2015

November Challenge: Day 7

Today I am thankful for friendships. The last two weeks I have been struggling with something that happened in my personal life and I haven't felt able to talk to anyone about the situation. I knew of a few people that I could talk to, even people I wanted to talk to, but in my heart I knew that I couldn't talk to anyone about what happened. There was shame and a fear of judgment, which made me withdraw from relationships. I didn't know how to be honest when answering friend's questions without telling them about what had happened. This was something I struggled with for the last two weeks and something I spent a lot of time praying about. Last night and this morning my prayers were answered in the unexpected text message of a friend. I was able to be honest with her without revealing my personal struggle, but God knew that I needed to talk to her about what had happened and prompted her to keep asking questions that eventually led to the truth. I needed to unload what I had been feeling for the last two weeks and have them understand. I told my friend everything that had happened and I didn't feel judgement or shame. It was a relief to not carry that burden alone anymore. 

Scripture teaches us that God wants us to have these relationships and these friendships so that when we stumble we have someone to help us back up. God gave us marriage so that we had a partner for life, but He also gave us friendships because it isn't good for human beings to be alone. I have a tendency to forget the importance of these relationships, but I sure am grateful God didn't forget. He sent me my friend when I needed her and for the first time in two weeks I feel I can go forward stronger. Today I am very thankful for friendship. What are you thankful for today?

Friday, November 6, 2015

November Challenge: Day 6

I'm sorry that today's post is another late night post. This evening was hectic and I mean hectic! I spent the evening helping my mom clean out her kitchen so that we could move her new kitchen table into the house, it had previously been in her garage. This meant cleaning, organizing, and disassembling furniture so that it would fit through short it was a lot of work. While doing this I was thinking about how wonderful it is when everything is organized and has a place to be stored. In thinking about organization I realized that organization is an attribute that is often taken for granted, but is definitely something that should be appreciated because organization makes your life easier and therefore more enjoyable. 

When you are organizing, regardless of the room or the contents of your things, you realize just how much stuff that you actually have. Most of the items in our homes are things that we thought we needed at one time or another, but never were used or weren't really needed. These items take up space and create clutter, which adds to our daily stress. The worst part is that this stress is preventable. As I said organizing is great about reminding you of just how much stuff that you actually have and this is a great time to give thanks for the plethora of items that you own, while also purging those unnecessary items and donating them to someone else. Donations are a great way to show gratitude for your posessions because you are acknowledging just how blessed you are while sharing your blessings with others. Once you are organized you are much less likely to purchase friviously because you are more aware of your possessions. 

If you have too much stuff don't worry because you are definitely not alone. I am in this category too, but going forward I am going to be more mindful of my possessions and have a greater appreciation for organization. I am thankful for organization, for unique storage ideas, and for donation boxes that prevent items from being wasted. As Jesus said to the rich man, who had many possessions, "Again, I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God," (Matthew 19:24, NIV). Possessions aren't necessarily bad, but they certainly shouldn't run our lives or contibrute to our stress. As we enter into a season of thanksgiving and giving I think this is an important reminder for all of us. 

What are you thankful for today?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

November Challenge: Day 5

November represents the start of the holiday season (Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years) and for some people the holiday season represents a time of sadness and hardship. The sadness and hardship felt can be the result of symbolic or actual loss, but prevents individuals from fully enjoying their holiday season with friends and family. I have experienced a few such holiday seasons myself and have known many other people who have also shared in similar feelings during the holiday season. During this period you are experiencing sadness at a time when you are also feeling social pressure to be happy and thankful for your blessings. Your friends and family may even suggest that you be happy and grateful because they just don't know what to say anymore. You may even experience an intense feeling of guilt because you can't just be happy or filled with gratitude like everyone else. I just want to state that it is perfectly ok to feel grief at a loss and to mourn that loss during a time that everyone is rejoicing. To be filled with grief or even to mourn is not sinful and therefore you have no reason to be filled with guilt. 

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." - Matthew 5:4

This morning as I read my Devotional Daily email I was reminded of this truth. Today's excerpt was from Bo Stern's book When Holidays Hurt and was a powerful testimony about the dance of grief and gratitude. There are three key words from this verse: bless, mourn, and comfort. We can be happy to mourn because God Himself shall comfort us. God comes near to us in our grief and comforts us. It is only through mourning that we can experience this level of God's presence in our lives. God reminds us that it is ok to be broken with Him. In our grief we will be comforted. Bo Stern challenges her readers to find hidden hope by making two columns on a sheet of paper, labeling one grief and one gratitude. List everything you feel in one of the columns, making sure you are being honest with how you're really feeling, and then write blessed, mourn, and comfort over the list, asking Jesus to show you the ways He is working in every area of your life. In strength, in weakness, in brightness, and in darkness we thank God. 

Today I am thankful for knowledge. It is through knowledge that we have understanding. It is understanding that allows us to be sympathetic and comforting to those around us who are experiencing a hard holiday season. We can grieve with those who are grieving and rejoice with those who are rejoicing. This holiday season, whether we are grieving or rejoicing, we can be grateful because we are blessed in God's love for His children. 

What are you thankful for today?

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

November Challenge: Day 4

Happy Wednesday! I am thankful it is half-way through my work week. I am also happy that the weather has dramatically cooled down since last week. It is amazing the difference a few days can make on something. This is a helpful truth to remember when we are looking on our circumstances. A day can change anything from the weather to your own unique circumstances. In a day you can lose everything or gain the whole world. This is a scary thought to me, but it is also a comforting thought because our circumstances are not the end and this is a reality that we should all be thankful for. This year has been a year of difficult circumstances, tremendous change, and general upheaval in my life. If you have read my blog from the beginning than you are familiar with my hardships and if not, well than you are likely familiar with your own hardships. Today I spent time reflecting on my present circumstances and just how much has happened in this year, including every moment of sadness and every moment of joy. 

Our matching stamps from an aquarium trip
It is in this remembrance of the moments that brought me joy that I find today's blessing. Today I am thankful for the one I love, the one who can always make me laugh, and who makes my heart skip a beat every time I am with him. There have been plenty of moments that have brought me heartache, especially this year, but he can always bring a smile to my face and I am grateful for him. I love that I can be in a serious mood and he can look at me, say something random, and I can enter into that moment with him laughing. Yes, there are times when that random word or phrase is distracting and counterproductive to our conversation, but I am grateful that he knows the importance of not taking himself seriously. 

 With all of our ups and downs, I am grateful for the one who makes me laugh. What are you thankful for today?

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

November Challenge: Day 3

I apologize that this post is so late this evening. I planned on coming home from work and writing today's gratitude, but I ended up taking care of a sick puppy. Then I had to help my mom move some furniture, which turned into a much larger project than originally anticipated. Isn't that how it always seems to happen? Anyways, on to today's intentional gratitude.

Today I am thankful for something that often times I take for granted, which is Election Day. Honestly, sometimes I even think of voting as a burden, one more task I have to get done in my day, but the ability to voice your opinions and have them actually matter is a tremendous blessing. The ability to cast your vote or live in a democratic state is not a privilege that everyone is able to enjoy. There are plenty of people who are actively fighting each day for the right to an election. I think that it is important that each of us exercise this right. We might not always like our choices and we are certainly not going to get our way everytime, but at least our voices count and have the potential to shape the world around us. That is truly a wonderful thought. Our voice, our opinion, and our beliefs matter to our elected officials. We have the ability to create dramatic change by simply exercising our right to cast a vote in an election. 

Personally, I am not in favor of politics because it always seems to drive a wedge between people. I don't believe a political party should be the determining factor for why a person is elected, but not everyone agrees with me. I am much more interested in the basis of a person's argument than their politcal party, education, experience, or promises, but other people find they need to know these details of a person's life before they can listen to their argument. The point is not to start a political debate about the most effective way to vote or choose an elected official, but to point out that we all do things differently. We all have our own opinions, our own way of thinking, and our own beliefs about how things should run, but that doesn't mean anyone should be put down for their differences. The beautiful thing about democracy is that each of us is allowed to be different and to shape our world through our differences. Every voice maters. Voting allows us to maintain our democracy and that makes Election Day a tremendous blessing in my life today. 

Monday, November 2, 2015

November Challenge: Day 2

This morning I woke up to rain and it was wonderful. Rain is without a doubt today's blessing. If you live in California than you understand exactly why rain is such a blessing. California has been in an awful drought for a few years now and our land is parched. Yes, we occasionally get rain, but we are not receiving nearly as much as we need. The entire state has had to ration water usage and our beautiful landscape has turned brown. This year even the smallest amount of rain has called me to sing God's praises, but today He blessed our land with lots of rain. All day it rained and quenched a thirsty land. 

California's drought reminds me of the spiritual drought many Christians face. We, as humans, have a tendency to believe that occasional participation or exposure to something makes us healthy. An occasional cleaning at the dentist guarantees our teeth are healthy or an occasional visit to the doctor means we won't become ill. This doesn't make it true, yet we convince ourselves that it is because this  "truth" makes us feel better. Christians sometimes have this same attitude toward spirituality. There is this belief that if you attend church weekly that you are spiritually healthy. Yet the truth is the occasional attending of a sermon, reading of scripture, or prayer does not make you spiritually healthy. Just like California needs a steady deliverance of rain, Christians need a continual exposure to those things which enrich their spiritual lives. We need the rain, we need the nourishment, to make and keep us healthy.

Today I have so much to be thankful for. I am thankful for the rain. I am thankful for the power of prayer. I am thankful for God's word. I am thankful for the church. I am thankful for devotionals. The thirst of the land and my soul are being quenched and I am grateful. What are you thankful for today?

Sunday, November 1, 2015

November Challenge: Day 1

Today is the first day of November, which means it is day one of the intentional gratitude challenge. Each and every day we are given dozens of reasons to be grateful, giving hearty thanks to God, but most of us forget we are blessed and overlook the very ways God is blessing us. When we overlook or forget God's blessings, it becomes very easy to be weighed down by life's circumstances and even become bitter. A bitter heart doesn't produce fruit. Much like the withered fig tree, as long as our heart's our bitter the heart will not produce fruit. Our heart is not a withered fig tree and this is where we are blessed. Jesus cursed the fig tree because it didn't produce any figs and the tree withered up, removing all possibility of producing fruit, but He didn't curse our hearts, which allows us the opportunity to remove bitterness, through pruning, and go on producing fruit. We can prune bitterness from our hearts when we are intentional about our gratitude and remember our blessings. A few days ago I presented this challenge and I really hope you join me in pruning our hearts for a fruitful harvest. 

Today's blessing came to me in the form of an email. Going into this challenge I had some ideas of what I wanted to write about, areas I knew I should be grateful for, but this morning as I read my email I knew that this (email) was what I needed to be grateful for. A few months ago, through FaithGateway, I joined a 40 Days to Glory memory verse challenge and after completing the challenge I started receiving a Devotionals Daily email as a thank you for participating. The Devotionals Daily emails are today's blessings. Every day I receive them I am given a blessing, an excerpt from a Godly person's book, and insight into my own life. Each devotional has a way of speaking to my present circumstances and encourages me to think about the impact that topic has on my life. One day was about evil and spoke about how our battle wasn't really with others, but with evil (Satan). This was encouraging because we know God already won that battle through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. 

While today's was about the danger of looking for a savior in anyone other than Jesus and in trying to be a savior to someone else. Today's devotional was surprising. Most people, when asked, would deny seeking a savior in someone other than Jesus or in trying to be a savior themselves, but often times this is exactly what we end up doing. We create a dependence on other people or other people create a dependence on us for their source of happiness and hope in the future. The result is a crushing weight and often the cutting of ropes. Relationships are ended and hearts are devastated. All of this because we had unrealistic expectations in ourselves or others. This harsh truth comes at a time when I need to analyze my own role and actions in relationships and I am grateful for the wisdom of this devotional. I am thankful there is one who still exists to save me and I am blessed by our relationship. With every breath I take I can be grateful that Jesus Christ is my savior. 

Today, what are you choosing to be thankful for?