Saturday, June 13, 2015

A Heart Of Service

Life is filled with millions of little moments when the people around us are "calling out" for us to help them, to comfort them, and to celebrate them. If you focus on the cost to you, then you can quickly be defeated, burned out, and unable to give more. In a single day there can be so much need for help that if you aren't careful you can become bitter. There are even times when helping someone even seems bad. The truth is giving your time, your energy, and your resources to other people is demanding and draining. But we are called to do it anyways. Jesus is our example in this. In His lifetime, a short 33 years, He helped thousands of people and not once did He tell someone He couldn't help them. He healed the sick and the possessed, He fed the poor, and He raised the dead. He did all of this while also teaching the people about God and how to live their lives. I know it isn't easy, but when we feel discouraged we need to look to Jesus and let Him be our example. Allow helping others to be a service to God and not just to man. Allow your heart to be a heart of service. 

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