Tuesday, June 2, 2015


Our lives are filled with stress: we worry about what we'll make to eat, we worry about our weight, we worry about appearances (both our own and that of our possessions), and we worry about what other people think. Then there is stress about our health, our job, our children, and our spouse. Any of us could fill a book with the stress we have in our lives. The stress consumes us, weighs upon our heart, and overwhelms us. There are things we can control and things we need to let go of; today's lesson is about both. Stress in your control includes meals, your weight, and the appearance of your possessions. Before anything else turn it ALL over to God and then begin to take control. Create a meal plan, an exercise plan, or commit to cleaning a set time each week. Create your plan and celebrate each victory. You will notice less stress and more enjoyment. As for stress outside of your control, learn to do what you can (i.e. standing up for yourself), and let go of the rest, allowing God to work it out for you. Giving up control is worth it. 

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