Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Simple and Complicated

Another quote that stood out to me from David Levithan's Every Day is "It is as simple as that. Simple and complicated, as most true things are." When I first read this quote I thought of love. For me, it's simple: I know how my heart feels about this person and yet it's complicated because I'm not able to be with that person. The reasons why don't matter when they're outside of your control. The reasons others give are unimportant when your heart is full of love for someone. Simple and complicated. Yet, God has made it easy for us.

With God it is simple: Come to Him when you are weary and He will give you rest; He is the way, the truth, and the life; He works it all out for the good of those who love Him; and love one another as God has loved you. Tonight, I am weary of the struggle so I go to Him and find rest. I am lost and confused so I go to Him to find the way and experience truth. Tonight, I might be struggling and my eyes might be full of tears, but I find peace, I find comfort, knowing God is working it out for me. It doesn't matter my fear, my anger, my hurt, or my jealousy, I am called to love anyway just as God loves me. 

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