Friday, June 12, 2015

Embracing Change

Today marked the last day of the semester with my clients and the start of a new semester with new clients. Change has never been my favorite life experience and the unknown aspects of change still frighten me, but I am beginning to welcome and embrace change. Suddenly change seems promising and the concept of change brings hope rather than fear. My fears haven't left me, but I feel as if this journey has helped them evolve. Multiple changes are on the horizon and I am no longer paralyzed by fear. My focus is on God, knowing He has plans to prosper me and not to harm me (Jeremiah 29:11). This journey is putting things in perspective as my focus shifts from the short term destination to the final destination, the eternal one. From this perspective I see the need for lengthy periods of change to help me grow and become more like Christ. I know I have been given the strength to endure and that there is an end in sight. Life is a marathon and not a sprint; it requires training to finish. 

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