Friday, June 5, 2015


Have you ever wanted to pray for something so badly that you couldn't find the words? Or wanted something with all of your heart, but knew you couldn't ask for it? There are times in life when we want or need something, but to ask for it, to receive it the way we imagine might mean consequences for someone else. Our flesh (the sinful part) desires the obtainment without concern for consequences, but our heart (the part with the Holy Spirit) reminds us of the consequences, which might mean someone else has pain or heartache, and prevents us from asking for what we want. When our hearts our overwhelmed with the desire to pray for something, but we know we can't then we can feel unheard. Lately, I have felt unheard. That the prayers I couldn't bring myself to pray went unnoticed. Then my focus shifted and I began to pray for other things, specifically things outside of my control. I prayed for rain. It wasn't a test, but I needed to focus my prayer energy. Today it rained. Not a storm, but just enough for God to tell me He heard my prayer, that He never stopped listening. 

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