Thursday, June 11, 2015

Fear and Uncertainty

I have made so much progress on this journey and yet daily I am reminded of how much more I need to learn and grown. This journey I have felt fear and uncertainty so many times. There is so much that I don't know and so many worst case scenarios that filter into my head as I go about my day. I am beginning to understand that fear is an emotion that isn't going to leave me anytime soon. At times I have felt bad that I was afraid (my trust in God should be greater) and thought I was failing God, but I have come to understand that fear is natural. This journey I have stopped trying to control my fears and instead have embraced them. I tell God honestly that I am afraid and ask for His help then I face my fears head on, knowing God is already there to face my fears with me. This journey I have stopped focusing on the unknowns and the worst case scenarios. I have gotten better at stopping the cycle of negative thoughts as soon as they begin so I don't dwell in a place of worry or fear. 

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