Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Victory In An Apple

A week ago I shared my victory over an apple, but continued to take precautions until I felt confident I wouldn't have a reaction, which meant frequent monitored exposures to apples. Over the last ten days I have eaten apples six of those days. I became confident that I no longer would have a reaction to apples and then yesterday I had a reaction. The reaction wasn't severe, but it definitely got my attention. At that moment I could have given up and decided the last four exposures were a fluke, but I didn't. Today, with faith, I ate an apple again and didn't have a reaction.

This reminded me of the negative reactions we have to life's stressors. As Christians, our hearts are supposed to be changed, we are to live righteous lives, and then life hits us: in one moment we forget and we react negatively. In this moment we can choose to let our reaction define us and admit defeat or we can get up, head held high, and try again. God wants our faith to be so strong that we would find the strength to try again, knowing that God is developing our hearts continuously. 

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