Thursday, June 4, 2015

Asking For Help

Stress weighs heavy on my heart tonight. I have so many things that have to be done this week and am struggling to find time for it all. Added to that is physical pain and emotional frustration. It isn't that anything is going wrong, necessarily, but just this overwhelming feeling that nothing is going right either. Today my physical abilities and emotional resolves were tested and it left me exhausted. The point isn't to feel dejected, but to recognize that you can ask for help. In order to fully utilize help, you must first recognize your limitations and then be humble enough to admit that you need help. It isn't easy to be vulnerable, but it is worth it to obtain help. People are willing to help you, but you have to ask. If you don't feel like you have help or a support system, go to Jesus. He said to come to me all who are weary...and I will give you rest. Jesus will always help if you go to Him and humbly ask. 

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