Monday, June 8, 2015

Victory At A Baseball Game

I spent most of today at a baseball game. My team is possibly the worst team in baseball this season, but I still go out and support them because they are my team. Win or lose I will support them. Today they won and we celebrated that victory the same as if they had won the World Series. Now other fans might see it as only a game, not worth celebrating like a championship, but I have learned even small victories should be celebrated.

 If we only focus on the big picture, the "championship" victory in our mind, then we can believe we are losing when we are actually winning. We can decide to give up when victory is right around the corner. I know it is difficult when you have faced so many losses, but it is because of those losses that you should celebrate the little victories. I thought about this today as I felt defeated and realized I was turning a small victory into a loss because it wasn't the "championship" victory. Celebrating the small victory changed my focus and reminded me of this great truth: there are many games that have to be won to get to the championship. So celebrate each step knowing you're on your way to victory.

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